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Manufacturer AtlanticAtlanticMideaAtlanticAtlanticMideaAtlantic
Model Alfea Excellia S 9Alfea Excellia S 14 TRIBreezeless E 12Alfea Excellia S 12 TRIAlfea Excellia S DUO 9Breezeless E 18Alfea Excellia S DUO 12 TRI
Heated area up to 180 m²up to 250 m²up to 50 m²up to 210 m²up to 180 m²up to 60 m²up to 210 m²
Cooled area up to 30 m²up to 50 m²
Product code 528_393520_397SMSCB1BU-12HRFN8-QRD1GW + MOX103-12HFN8-QRD1GW520_396520_398MSCB1CU-18HRFN8-QRD1GW + MOX301-18HFN8-QRD1GW520_401
Product type Air-to-water heat pumpAir-to-water heat pumpAir-to-air heat pumpAir-to-water heat pumpAir-to-water heat pumpAir-to-air heat pumpAir-to-water heat pump
Energy efficiency class (35°/55°) A+++/A++A+++/A++A+++/A++A+++/A++A+++/A++
SCOP 4.664.714.24.664,664.14,66
Warranty 5 years5 years2 years5 years5 years2 years5 years
Estonian language menu YesYesYesYesYes
Wi-Fi smart remote control YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Operating limit (Heating) -25 ~ 35 °C-25 ~ 35 °C-20 ~ 24 °C-25 ~ 35 °C-25 ~ 35 °C-20 ~ 24 °C-25 ~ 35 °C
Refrigerant R32R32R32R32R32R32R32
Power supply voltage 230/1/50 V/Ph/Hz400/3/50 V/Ph/Hz220 - 240/1/50 V/Ph/Hz400/3/50 V/Ph/Hz230/1/50 V/Ph/Hz220 - 240/1/50 V/Ph/Hz400/3/50 V/Ph/Hz
Protection circuit breaker 32 A20 AC10 A20 A32 AC13 A20 A
Domestic hot water boiler capacity SeparateSeparateSeparate190 l190 l
Heating capacity Outdoor air +35°C/ 7°C 10.08 kW14.47 kW12.55 kW10.08 kW12.55 kW
Auxiliary heating element power 6 kW9 kW9 kW6 kW9 kW
Maximum heating water temperature 65 °C65 °C65 °C65 °C65 °C
Heating capacity (Min./Nom./Max.) 1,1/3,8/4,4 kW1,3/5,6/7,0 kW
Cooling capacity (Min./Nom./Max.) 1,4/3,6/4,3 kW1,9/5,3/6,3 kW
Energy efficiency class A++/A+A++/A+
Operating limit (Cooling) -15 ~ 50 °C-15 ~ 50 °C
Pipe size (Liquid/Gas) 6.35/9.52 mm6.35/12.7 mm
Maximum height difference 10 m10 m
Maximum pipe length 25 m25 m
Nominal heating capacity 3.8 kW5.6 kW
Nominal cooling capacity 3.6 kW5.3 kW
SEER 7.17.1
Supports multiple indoor units YesYes
Indoor unit
Indoor unit weight 46 kg46 kg9.1 kg46 kg135 kg12.3 kg135 kg
Indoor unit dimensions (width x height x depth) 448x768x483 mm448x768x483 mm812x299x199 mm448x768x483 mm598x1783x623 mm968x225x320 mm598x1783x623 mm
Indoor unit noise level 19,5/20,5/32/37 dB(A)20,5/32,5/36,5/41 dB(A)
Outdoor unit
Outdoor unit weight 96 kg106 kg22.7 kg96 kg96 kg32.3 kg96 kg
Outdoor unit dimensions (width x height x depth) 1080x1008x480 mm1080x1008x480 mm720x495x270 mm1080x1008x480 mm1080x1008x480 mm805x554x330 mm1080x1008x480 mm
Outdoor noise level 34 dB(A)36 dB(A)55.5 dB(A)36 dB(A)34 dB(A)57 dB(A)36 dB(A)
Price 5 587,00 € 7 606,00 € 679,00 € 6 964,00 € 7 154,00 € 879,00 € 8 799,95 €